
Shift Reality

Location: Kitchener, Ontario

Sector: Technology

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Shift Reality is the pioneering force in merging robotics, virtual reality (VR), and vehicular movement to redefine entertainment. Positioned at the intersection of real and virtual worlds, they cater to a global audience eager for immersive, social experiences. The mission of Shift Reality is to provide a state-of-the-art entertainment and technological platform that serves a diverse community, from casual users to tech enthusiasts. They are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and thrilling environment where the boundaries between physical and virtual entertainment blur, making the future of fun accessible to everyone.


Problem They’re Solving

In the rapidly evolving Location Based Entertainment (LBE) sector, there’s a prevalent issue of single-purpose hardware that not only demands significant capital investment but also restricts market potential.

Most LBE setups are tethered to specific, non-adaptable hardware, leading to obsolescence and limiting adaptability to new entertainment trends. Shift Reality’s multi-faceted platform offers flexibility and longevity in its applications.

The capital-intensive nature of traditional LBE hardware often deters potential entrants from the market, creating barriers to innovation. Shift Reality ‘s technology, by contrast, maximizes the return on investment by providing diverse entertainment experiences on a singular platform.

With the global shift towards immersive and social experiences, there’s a growing demand for platforms that can seamlessly integrate the physical and virtual realms. Shift Reality’s proprietary technology not only meets this demand but sets the standard for future innovations in the industry.

Where They Are Headed

Shift Reality is gearing up to unveil its flagship location in 2024, marking the beginning of a transformative journey in the Location Based Entertainment sector. This flagship location is not just an entertainment hub but a testament to Shift Reality’s vision of redefining immersive experiences globally.

The leadership at Shift Reality has meticulously and strategically designed the company’s blueprint to ensure scalability. Based on the success of the flagship location, Shift Reality aims to expand its footprint through licensing and franchising opportunities, bringing its unique blend of robotics, VR, and vehicular movement to enthusiasts worldwide.

By the end of the decade, Shift Reality envisions establishing multiple locations in key global entertainment hubs. Investors and partners of Shift Reality’s flagship venture will be granted privileged access to these future expansion opportunities, ensuring they are part of this exciting journey every step of the way.

Opportunity Highlights

  • Strong Technology Capability – Shift Reality successfully completed its initial funding round, which was primarily focused on proving the technical feasibility of its groundbreaking technology. This achievement underscores the team’s capability and the technology’s potential.
  • Growth Opportunity – With the technical feasibility established, Shift Reality is now transitioning to commercialize its innovative blend of robotics, VR, and vehicular movement. This phase represents a significant opportunity for growth and market capture.
  • Unique Value Proposition – The Location Based Entertainment sector is ripe for disruption, and Shift Reality’s multi-faceted platform offers a unique value proposition that stands out from traditional single-purpose hardware setups.
  • Experienced Management Team – The leadership team at Shift Reality boasts a combination of industry veterans and innovators, ensuring a blend of experience and fresh perspectives to navigate the commercialization phase successfully.
  • Game Changing Opportunity – Shift Reality’s business model is not just about entertainment; it’s about redefining how users interact with technology. This broad appeal ensures diverse revenue streams, from casual users to tech enthusiasts and potential partnerships in various sectors.
  • Return on Investment – The flagship location set to open in 2024 will serve as a proof of concept for the commercial viability of Shift Reality’s technology. Its success will pave the way for licensing and franchising opportunities, amplifying the potential for returns on investment.

Management Team

  • Kurtis McBride, Executive Chair

CEO & Co-founder of Miovision, a global leader in Smart City transportation technology. Co-founder of Catalyst137, a 500,000 square foot technology campus in Waterloo Region. Co-founder of Catalyst Commons, a 65,000 square foot co-working space. Former Board Member of the Accelerator Centre for three years and current Chair of the Civic Digital Network. Early investor in Roadmunk and several other Waterloo-based start-ups.

  • Patrick Belliveau, Chief Executive Officer

Former VP of Sales at Swift Labs, where he achieved record-breaking gross margin and profitability in his inaugural fiscal year. Career centered at the nexus of sales and technology. Worked for the Norwegian Government supporting business expansion to Canada. Achieved sales of over $500M at Ford Motor Company. Led KYCS Global Inc., an RTLS start-up, as Director of Innovation.

  • Amber French, VP of Business Development

Co-founder of Catalyst Capital, an investment firm focused on innovation within the Waterloo Region. Partner at Archangel Network of Funds and co-founder of Catalyst Commons, a 65,000 square foot co-working space. Former Director of Capital Services Strategic Capital at Communitech. Founder and CEO of Supply+Protect, Canada’s largest marketplace for Canadian-made PPE. Deep connections in the Toronto-Waterloo technology ecosystem.

Building the future of Entertainment

Key Metrics

  • Financing – Successfully raised $2.5 million in initial funding, primarily focused on proving the technical feasibility of Shift Reality’s groundbreaking.
  • Property – First location has been secured, setting the stage for Shift Reality’s flagship unveiling in The location is strategically chosen, considering the broader vision and potential for expansion in the future.
  • Development – Having proved the technical feasibility, Shift Reality is now poised to transition from R&D to commercialization, leveraging its unique blend of robotics, VR, and vehicular movement. Together, these metrics highlight CET’s strong financial position, strategic foresight, and readiness to disrupt the Location Based Entertainment sector.


  • First round of $2.5m closed
  • Technical feasibility complete
  • Secured IRAP Grant
  • 1st location secured

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The investment opportunities on this page are not an offer to the general public to purchase any form of securities. Every investment opportunity below should be considered to be a very high risk investment and the investor must be comfortable in accepting and bearing the very high level of risk associated with any of the investment opportunities listed on this site. The information contained in these investment opportunities is proprietary and strictly confidential. It is intended to be reviewed only by accredited investors in order to evaluate the investment opportunities and should not be used for any other reason or made available to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of The OCMX (P2P Financial Inc.). The technology and process used on this website is protected by existing or pending patents owned by The OCMX. Nothing on this site including any related communication is intended to provide specific financial, investment, tax, legal, accounting or other advice to you, and should not be acted or relied upon in that regard without seeking the advice of a professional. In all circumstances, you should seek guidance from your current advisor as your advisor can help to ensure that your own circumstances have been properly considered and any action is taken on the latest available information.

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